
Online courses overview

The Taotraining online courses consists of a series of online modules. Together they form a sophisticated path to wisdom. The first three modules form the basic training and are available to everyone. Module 4 to 8 form the basis of the so-called First Initiation and are only available if you have gone through the basic training. Modules 9 and beyond are only available to participants in the Advanced Training Weeks conducted by Reinoud Eleveld.

Basic training - available to everyone

Module 1:  The Innerlandscape

This online training is the most thorough introduction to the process of self-development you can imagine. In a clear and inspiring way, we introduce some of the most fundamental frameworks and concepts of Taotraining, such as the Inner Landscape, the five forms of consciousness and voluntary boundaries. Each one gives a deep insight into yourself, the other, and the world around you. In addition, you'll learn to work with some of the most important techniques and disciplines within Taotraining, such as I-Force, Inner Smile, Chi Kung, Iron Shirt, Dream Training and Sexual Kung Fu. You will also gain insight into the “sleep debt” phenomenon and how to repay it. Last but not least, we consider extensively what 'training' really means and how to take the scholar into and integrate it into everyday life.

Basically, this module focuses on developing the six basic skills in the Inner Landscape: how to enter, stay, move, experience, steer and máákt. In this module, we focus on training what the Taoists call First Fire, or life force. The main benefits you'll reap from this workout: you get less stressed, more relaxed, healthier and more vital.

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Module 2: Sexual Kung Fu

This online training is largely devoted to the sexual kung fu: the art of transforming sexual energy into 'Medicine'. This refined energy is both the driving force under your self-healing ability and the source of new life force & vitality.

We consider the sexual kung fu and more specifically making 'Medicine' as the absolute motor of your development. This practice really is the very best Taoists have when it comes to self-healing and more energy. But it's not only the key to a long, healthy and vital life! Sexual kung fu also makes you a sexually safer person and ultimately leads to sexual wisdom, the ability to contribute to a sexual civilization. In addition, this training is a fundamental step in the development of your sexual identity, which will become much richer. You will notice this in sexual interaction with 'the other', although it's more a bonus than the purpose of this training.
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Module 3: True Heart

In this module, the focus of training shifts from your health & vitality to your emotional & mental well-being. You'll start training your awareness, or the development of True Heart. At the heart of that process is the Third Fire, also known as Heart Fire, that you will learn to “manage”. This will make you better able to live your emotions, instead of being lived through it or, the other extreme, suppress your emotions so that you can hardly feel them anymore. Ideal for your thoughts: its quality is getting higher and your ability to unwind them as needed.

The main benefits you will reap from this heartwarming material in the long run: robust emotional balance, crisp thinking, harmonious relationships, greater freedom of choice and action, and consequently a growing ability to walk a Way with Heart and your Destiny to live.
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True Heart

First Initiation

available only if you have completed the basic training

Module 4: Pearl Consciousness 1 (The Eye of the Storm)

The work in the previous three modules prepares you to develop Pearl Consciousness, a permanent piece of non-polar Wisdom within yourself that, whatever happens, you anchor into the Eye of the Storm that is reality. It is the beginning of the First Initiation of the Taoists, and a big leap in your consciousness development.

The Pearl formula starts with activating the Eight Forces, which makes you the symbol of a Stew within yourself. This is also known in our culture as the Holy Grail and is an abstraction of the uterus. It is in this' womb 'that you create Pearl Consciousness, from a fusion of the Five Elements. This is the first time you work with the Five Rally Points. All in all, a wonderful formula, also known as the Immaculate Conception.

In addition to making a Pearl, you'll also learn how to maximize its impact on your daily life. What does it take to listen to the whisper of this non-polar piece of awareness, and how can you 'talk' to the Pearl? In response to these questions, we go into the phenomenon of intensity and give you a deeper insight into the function of Iron Shirt, Dream Training and sleep debt remittance.
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Module 5: Wisdom Nei Kung 1 (Monkey King)

The Wisdom Nei Kung is in fact an ancient, more functional variant of the many scientific research that is being done today on the functioning of the brain. You learn to work with your own brain. You will also learn to use other neuronal networks in the body - not yet known in our culture. You'll optimize your gut feeling — known as the Second Brain by the Taoists — and gain insight into how True Heart (module 3) and the fulfillment of Destiny relates to it. We also meet the legendary figure Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.
Monkey king

Module 6: Sexual Kung Fu 3 (Defeat the Red Dragon, Taming the Wild Horse)

We'll go deeper into Sexual Transformation, still through solo practice mono-cultivation. Women learn how to work with the Jade egg and breast massages. Men learn specific testicular massages and start scrotal weightlifting (2 kilos). Both men and women and learn to work meticulously with the Four Pumps in the spine and how they can form the so-called Powerlock. Women have more influence on their monthly cycle and can even temporarily stop them. Men are also making a big step in managing their own sexual power.
Dagon and horse

Module 7: Cosmic Healing 1 (Placebo and Nocebo)

You'll start with the basics of self-healing. We cover the difference between the Wounded Healer and the Shaman Warrior. We are also starting to open the chi streams in our Golden Egg. Through the 6 Direction Meditation and the 6 Planets Meditation, we learn to position ourselves very clearly in the Inner Landscape. Essential to your development as a Heler. We're also starting the Taoists' food doctrine. You get more grip on the coherence between Well being and Being Allergen.
Meer informatie
Cosmic Healing

Module 8: Pearl Consciousness 2 (Compassionate Pearl)

A fundamental module in which the coherence between Wisdom and Innocence is the common thread. You gain a deeper insight into the phenomena of “thrust” and “cushioning” and thus in your own constructive and destructive behavior. Understanding and accepting your own shadows allows you to experience a more sophisticated emotional balance within yourself, which forms the foundation for the next step in your consciousness development. A new piece of Pearl formula gives your Pearl a new quality that makes it suitable for detraumatizing. This is the beginning of Compassion-training and an introduction to the depth or shadow psychology of the ancient internal alchemists.
Meer informatie

The following topics will be covered in Advanced training weeks conducted by Reinoud Eleveld. The accompanying online material is only available to participants in those training sessions.

Monkey King

 Wisdom Nei Kung 2, Hsing I-stick 1

We go back into the cranial cavity, in more detail we get to know brain there. With the connections between the Almond nuclei, the Limbic system and the interaction with neuronal tissues in the connective tissues of our vital organs. We learn to perceive the link between 'smart reptile' and 'safe mammalian. ' It is a direct deepening of the Compassion-training (module 9). We also learn to work with the stick, the Hsing I stick shape, the first set of four. At the end, the sets become one series.

Bone Marrow Nei Kung 1 (Bamboo)

The Bone Marrow Nei Kung is strongly linked to Sexual Kung Fu. In this module, we will bring the skeleton to life. We learn techniques — so called Bot breaths — that allow us to make our bone structure much more compact in the long term. The bone marrow is healthier, which is a very important boost for the immune system. In preparation for the Bone Marrow Nei Kung 2, we learn to work with the bamboo rod massage techniques. Women start 'Pulling', lifting weights with the Jade egg in this module. Men take the second step with scrotal weight lifting (four kilos).

Energetic Hygiene (Aura, Chi Fields, Personal Star)

You'll learn to work with the difference between the Aura, Golden Egg and Chi fields. As we gain awareness of the workings of the Inner Landscape, we also get more in need of better delineation of our Jing and Chi bodies. We also become more aware of how we communicate human to human through the Personal Star — contact with Higher Self or Being. We learn to keep and protect hygienic in a natural way.

Pearl Consciousness 3 (Eight Wonder Channels)

The 8 forces we learned to work with in the 5th module are connected to 8 miracle channels or meridians. These, in turn, are connected to the basic organization of the Chakras, and with the Pearl Consciousness that was then created in the 8th module, we can explore, clean, open and fill these 8 channels with Chi and Pearl consciousness. In this module, we get to know the Small and Great Celestial Circle in the traditional (and guaranteed safe) way.

Healing Hands 2 and 3, Tai Chi 1

Our 8 miracle channels are open and our Golden Egg functions better and cleaner. Now we link these aspects to Cosmic Healing through the techniques of Healing Hands 2 and 3, which increases your healing ability, and not only that: your martial art can come to life as well. That's why we're making a start with Tai Chi 1, bringing the Embrace the Tree to move. It is 13 movements, performed in 4 directions and left and right sided. All Iron Shirt pieces are now moving in a precise order. It is the absolute basis of your development as a martial artist.

Bone Marrow Nei Kung 2 (Iron)

We go deeper into bone marrow techniques (module 11). We bring heat into our bone marrow and raise the actual temperature. It provides better mineralization of bones, and means another boost immune system. With the iron rod, we learn to open the bone membrane and activate the connective tissue plates. Men make a next step in scrotal weight lifting (six kilos). Women double their — personal — weight in the pulling with the Jade egg.

Organ setups, Tai Chi 1 (Repeat)

We are taking the first step with the principles of systemic work. First of all, you create your own vital organs, using some items. Communication between the Jing and the Chi worlds of the Inner Landscape and the manifested reality are underway. The ancient shamanic origins of Taoism become visible. To keep these self-healing principles in balance, we are also meticulously working this module to improve our Tai Chi 1.

Pearl Awareness Advanced (Completion)

This is a very intense module in which we activate and experience the complete First Initiation as a whole. It's the first time we see and experience how great this first initiation is and why Reinoud describes this formula as a huge treasure. By now, your i-Power has been trained in such a way that you can activate all the individual formulas at the same time. Includes Power Animals and Internal Children. We also train a lot of Iron Shirt for grounding.)

Tai Chi 2 (Wu Shu Consciousness, Way of the Warrior)

The Tai Chi 2 form consists largely of the same movements as the first form. Now, however, we are adding explosive forward and backward movements. Obviously left and right hand rotation. This form kneads the body in an intense and powerful way. It's really a new step in developing your martial art and activating Wu Shu awareness. It gives you a bigger sense of space. In the Dream Training, we learn to work with the Dream Temple. Anchored by Pearl Consciousness, you go to a dream place where you ask for healing for yourself and others.

Organ setups (Rituals)

We are making the next step in learning to work with the principles of systemic work. We set up vital organs with the help of human representatives. More and more, we can merge all the different parts of the workout and start using it as a whole. Our growing skills with Chi Fields, the 5 Ba Shen of the Vital Organs, and the safe and wise learning to communicate the Jing and Chi worlds in the Inner Landscape, come to life in learning to build their own organs.

Cosmic Healing 2 (Self-Healing, Application of the Five Basic Colors)

A second step in Cosmic Healing. Applying the refined learning of the now practiced Healing Hands. We polish the 6-Way meditations and learn how color medicine comes from an interaction between the constant flow of different vibrations between the Chi world and the manifested body. We also learn to work with the healing effects of the Five Basic Colors, the theory of each color, what to do and shouldn't, and how to apply them.

Pearl Awareness Advanced (Applications)

Over time, a whole collection of fascinating applications that belong to Pearl Consciousness has emerged. Techniques a Shaman Warrior can use in both energy protection and medicine. We start by starting the complete formula and then get to know and practice a large number of these applications. In addition to being fascinating to learn how to deal with so many bewildering techniques, these exercises also prepare our I-power for the next initiation formulas.

Wisdom Nei Kung 3 (The Radar, Hsing I-stick 2, 3 and 4}

We go deeply into the functioning of our brains, neurons networks in our abdominal cavity, True Heart and the relationship with the Inner Landscape, Compassion-Training and Bone Marrow Nei Kung. We see how the whole system functions like a Radar. And we learn the basic application of weather magic with the so-called Cloud Busting. The symbol of all these techniques is found in the figure of Sun Wu-Kong, the Monkey King. We complete the beautiful Hsing I stick shape with the shapes 2, 3 and 4.

Cosmic Healing 3 (Self-Diagnosis — Rituals, Application of the Ten Colors)

We're making a huge step in 'Know U Himselve'. Now that we have a formidable Pearl, we can afford to expose our persona to a sharp self-analysis. We learn how “guilt,” “emotional pain,” “anger” and “fear” feed our personality and keep us away from our authentic form and power. With meditations and ritual formulas, we bring the complete Cosmic Healing to life. Includes the Ten Colors and their operation and meaning.

Sexual Kung Fu 4 (Function of Taboo, Pornographic Fixation of Woman), Bone Marrow Nei Kung 3 (Meridian hitting)

Een van de meest opvallende aspecten van de training die Reinoud Eleveld aanbiedt is de gedetailleerde kennis van de Seksuele Kung Fu. In de 2e module wordt de Pornografische Fixatie van mannen minitieus behandeld. In deze 24e module komt dan eindelijk ook de Pornografische Fixatie van vrouwen aan bod. Vanzelfsprekend is het geen toeval dat er zo lang en zo intens getraind moet worden om aan dit onderwerp toe te zijn. Het pornografische bewustzijn van vrouwen is een van de laatste en grootste taboes in deze wereld. Mannen maken de volgende en laatste stap in het scrotaal gewichtheffen (8 Kilo).

Sword Consciousness Preparation, Healing Hands 4 (Dance between 3 and 12)

Now that women's sexual training is getting started, we can start with our first, cautious, steps with the 2nd initiation formula. We get to know the secrets of Sword Consciousness. In the past, these formulas are not harmless; for the adept itself, and to the world around her or him. Reinoud offers a tried and safe start. Spectacular initiation knowledge.

Recurring items in each module

Dream practice
Training the Black Column. Training the ability, besides knowing it. Dream training is an essential night-time part of the workout to balance the waking workout. You're going to activate lucid dreams, wake up in the dream. This has the effect that you are more 'awake' during the day and can consciously provide guidance to your life.

Iron Shirt
You're building an energetic structure. Not by training your muscles, but by activating the connective tissues, opening meridians and kneading them in the right orbits. Iron Shirts exercises are the most basic techniques Taoists have in house.

Chi Kungs
With Chi Kungs, you can keep the Inner Landscape clean and the body healthy. You could see it as energetic brushing teeth. There are endless Chi Kungs, all of which have a different effect on both the Inner Landscape and the manifested body.

Movie and Book Tips
Each module provides inspiring film and book tips from Reinoud Eleveld that support the material. When you look at them archetypically, they have a role in the Black Column Training and Dream Training.

Where to start?
The path of the modules is very well thought out. We advise everyone to start at number one and then continue to train chronologically. However, this is not mandatory. Up to and including module four, you can purchase and train any module at any time. That's safe and fine.
After the fourth module, you need to have a solid foundation to get started safely with further techniques. If you want to start module five, you must have completed all four first modules.

The modules can be tracked online. You log in to your personal learning environment and listen to mp3's, watch videos, read theory. The audio material is also available for download. You can ask questions and are usually answered by Reinoud Eleveld within a week. The material is accompanied by “emails from the sifu”, every two weeks you will receive coaching from Reinoud Eleveld by email.

Always Available
When you have access to a module, you have at least 7 years of access to the material offered.

Supporting Training Days
Once in a while, Taotraining organizes supportive training days. Check the calendar for dates. These training days are thematic and match one or more modules.

The Investment
The investment in a Taotraining module amounts to 247 euros. This is a fixed price and is the same for each module. Taotraining does not work with discounts, as it strives for fairness at all times. Taotraining is not a foundation but an idealistic organization. Revenue is re-invested in spreading wisdom and in particular: education to wisdom.

Some modules include training tools. Items and costs to be purchased will be announced in advance. These charges are not included in the 247 euros per module. If you already have the items in question or part of it, you don't have to buy it again. All tools are available through

Each module has a guarantee scheme. After purchase, you can return to your decision within 30 days. You will be refunded the full purchase price. Feedback is appreciated.g
The investment in a Taotraining module amounts to 247 euros. This is a fixed price and is the same for each module. Taotraining does not work with discounts, as it strives for fairness at all times. Taotraining is not a foundation but an idealistic organization. Revenue is re-invested in spreading wisdom and in particular: education to wisdom.

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