
Tao sorcerer

To become a sorcerer; It’s a strange career choice for a fifteen year old. Yet, for Reinoud Eleveld (Amstelveen, 1956) it was serious. He knew early on what would be his lifelong passion. Reinoud decided to become an apprentice magician. The rest of the world believed he was going to be a pilot, his father's profession.


At an early age Reinoud set foot on the mysterious path of 'magic', an avenue that seems to be forgotten in Western culture (skip). Ignorant, hesitant and stumbling, with the help of books, shamanic trainings, conversations with loved ones, friends and inspirers; through Don Juan and Don Genaro, Strovolos and Gurdijeff – eventually, when he was 28, Reinoud knew exactly what he was looking for: he wanted to become a 'third generation' sorcerer. A “Man of Knowledge and Power” who would never use his power for personal advantage.

Mantak Chia

In the late eighties Reinoud became known with the book “Taoist secrets of love” by Mantak Chia. For the first time he found clear knowledge about the connection between sexuality (sexual Kung Fu), internal alchemy and magic.
Mantak Chia is the founder of Healing Tao, nowadays called Universal Tao, along with Juan Li and Michael Winn. This training system was introduced in the Netherlands by Annette Derksen. Reinoud studied with Annette for eight years.

Martial arts

In 1996 Reinoud started to train with Taikiken coach Ron Nansink. Taikiken is the Japanese version of Chinese martial arts like Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing I and Chuang Yi. Through Ron’s teaching Reinoud became acquainted with more sponteaneous and magical forms of Taoism.

Senior instructor

Between 1998 and 2003 Reinoud visited regularly the training center of Mantak Chia in Thailand, the Tao Garden. Mantak Chia certified Reinoud in a large number of techniques and meditations. After Annette Derksen Reinoud became the second “Senior Healing Tao instructor” in the Netherlands.


In the period 2000-2007 Reinoud taught Tao Training full-time in the Netherlands. Along with several Dutch Healing Tao instructors he started the collective There were many courses, workshops and seminars at the time and many new instructors were trained.


The following seven years, from 2007-2014, Reinoud consciously chose not to teach. He took the time to broaden and deepen his knowledge. For that he worked, among others, with Tao Training instructors Ursula Eireiner, Giselle de Vries, Rosana van der Wagt, Sanne Burger, IJsbrand Pool Rechelle Tai Tin Tsjoi and Marion de Vries.

Sexual kung fu

With journalists Marleen Janssen and Jos Goossens Reinoud started projects providing a wide range of basic knowledge about “sexual kung fu”. Thousands of women and men now have access to this knowledge through the online programs: and:


Reinoud is very passionate about applying Taoist techniques and insights into different forms of sport. Reinoud collaborated with (skip) tennis coach Felix Kaplan and golf professional Peter Ackerley (skip). The collaboration with Peter Ackerly, who unfortunately died in 2011, resulted in


Other inspiring sources and guides of Reinoud include (skip) Marianne de la Rie, Chong Mi Muller, Master Whuang in Yunnan, Young Master Xiao Yiao in Bao Wei County, Daan van Kampenhout and Rene Navarro. His partner, (skip) Serena Montironi, is a constant source of inspiration. Serena and Reinoud are together since 1997.

New program

Reinoud, 60 years old, alive and kicking, has brought all his knowledge and skills together into a brand new Tao training program that started in 2015. This 7 years program is fully booked. It includes 24 training weekends, six summer trainings and a China trip. This training is in full progress, but you can still sign up for the online program.

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