
Dear visitor,

Welcome to, the English website for our modern school of Taoism, founded in the Netherlands in 2014 by Reinoud Eleveld, senior instructor in the ancient healing arts of Taoism.

We are proud to introduce ourselves! In the past years we have developed a Dutch network of literally thousands of students practicing with us through our online courses, books, live trainings, seminars and lectures. We are way into our 7- years Program with more than 200 students. At the same time our next One Year Programs, were all full. Thankfully our online modules make this teaching accessible for everybody – at least in the Netherlands (so far)!

As we believe Taotraining may well be the missing link in the education of our children and the civilization of our culture we plan on expanding our school beyond the borders of the Netherlands soon. At this point we are busy translating our online courses into English and preparing our teachers to travel more.

Please forgive us: this is all we have to offer at this point. Here on you find a thorough explanation of what Taotraining exactly is and how you can benefit from it.

Please subscribe to our English newsletter if you would like to stay informed about upcoming international events. In this newsletter we will also irregularly post articles on Taotraining, especially for you. See you soon!

What makes Taotraining unique?

Laozi, the founder of Taoism, was a mysterious individual. Actually very little is known about him, but the story goes that at a certain moment he chose to retreat from the world and spend the rest of his life in silence. A ferryman who brought him across the river urged him to write down his knowledge so that it would not be lost. This resulted in the famous bamboo rolls on which Laozi described in eighty-one verses the essence of Taoism. This was around 600 BC.

For a long time, the knowledge of Taoism was passed on directly from teacher to pupil. Nikola Tesla, not a Taoist but nevertheless a brilliant mind, writes: ‘if you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.’ Taoism wholeheartedly endorses this. When you train with a sifu, he will bring you to a state of ‘vibration’, and this is how you learn. This 'vibration' can be achieved in many different ways: through words, movement (Qigong), meditation (inner alchemy) and most recently the internet.

Taotraining is unique in the history of Taoism. Reinoud Eleveld, an experienced sifu with a modern pragmatism so typical of a Taoist, combines in this training all the methods that are currently available, in order to convey his knowledge clearly and powerfully. If Laozi had lived today, he would have written the Tao Te Ching on his iPad and posted it on Facebook without hesitation.

Of course, the online training does not replace face-to-face contact. At Taotraining we work with a unique combination of online training and live events such as lectures, courses and analogue trainings given by Reinoud Eleveld as well as other specialist teachers

Doing an online Taoist training means

  • You practise the Nei Kung (internal alchemy), part of the ancient Taoism, through a home study programme, composed by Reinoud Eleveld. Reinoud is an experienced Tao trainer with over 20 years of experience.
  • A lesson consists of videos (mp4) and audio recordings (mp3). These are recordings of live training from the exclusive seven-year programme.
  • You have access to richly illustrated theory.
  • You have access to your personal“digital safe”, where you find all the training materials for the modules you follow, created by a team of professional writers, designers and filmmakers.
  • You can ask questions by e-mail and receive an answer from Reinoud. You exchange experiences in a private “TAO cafe”, with a Facebook-like setup.
  • You train at your own pace, wherever and whenever it suits you.

More information

You practise Tao training in order to become fitter, kinder and wiser. As Reinoud Eleveld puts it: “The training helps you to become an impeccable human being.” The formulas have been practised, perfected and passed on for thousands of years.

Now, for the first time in history, you can practise Tao training online.

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